Easing into midlife is about a lot more than accepting the fact that your joints probably have more snap, crackle, and pop to them these days than your playlists do. It’s also about navigating your way through an inevitable period of reflection, reinvention, and growth, whether willingly or not.

But a midlife awakening doesn’t have to be all business. It’s also an opportunity to reweave your life into something new and exciting. Here we’ll get into what awakening at midlife is all about, as well as touch on some ways to make the most of the process, including options like my own Midlife Reimagined Mastermind.
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What Is a Midlife Awakening?
Let’s start by stating what a midlife awakening is not. It’s not a midlife crisis (although there’s no rule that says you can’t still dye your hair hot pink if you want). It’s also about more than simply transitioning from one phase of life to the next.
A midlife awakening looks different for everyone, but it’s a lot more like hitting the refresh button on the way your life is set up and less like hitting the panic button. For me, it started when that little voice inside my head began asking me questions like:
- Who am I outside of who I am to other people in my life (e.g., employee, mother, wife)?
- What do I actually want out of life, both now and moving forward?
- What steps can I take to get to where I want to be?
My awakening continued as I committed to the process of peeling back the many layers of my various identities to get better acquainted with a version of myself I’d previously been too busy to spend any real time on.
What Triggers a Midlife Awakening?
Like any life awakening, a midlife awakening often starts with a trigger.
A major life event – like a health scare, a divorce, or the last of your children finally leaving the nest – can definitely do the job. So can reaching a milestone birthday.
Sometimes the process is less sudden and dramatic. Sometimes it’s just a creeping realization that you’re living life on autopilot or going through the motions.
Other times, we find ourselves worrying that the true meaning of life got lost somewhere among all the PTA meetings and work projects.
Whatever your own trigger may be, it has likely left you feeling naked, vulnerable, and wondering when exactly you became the kind of person who cries over shampoo commercials.
But I’m happy to tell you that this phase doesn’t last. Rather, i’s a signal of the beginning of a midlife awakening that could lead you to the most exciting time of your life yet.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Midlife Awakening?
So, how exactly can you be sure you’re experiencing a bona fide midlife awakening? (Spoiler alert – it has nothing to do with a sudden urge to go to a lot of yoga workshops or other retreats, although those are certainly options.)
Evaluate yourself and your life for signs like the following:
People on the cusp of a midlife awakening often find themselves asking big, existential questions. Who am I? What legacy do I want to leave behind when I’m gone? How well am I doing at building that legacy? (The itch to buy a journal, especially if you’re “not a journaler” is a big clue.)
Feelings of restlessness
A life awakening might start with a general feeling of restlessness or unease. You might catch yourself feeling like there’s got to be more to life than continuing with the same daily routines you’ve been following for years.
Shifting priorities
Midlife is a common time for reevaluating your life path and its alignment (or lack thereof) with your core personal values. Some people also find their values and priorities are starting to shift during this time of life. For example, you may be less interested in pleasing others at this point and more focused on living your own truth.
Yearning for change
Midlife awakenings can leave you positively itching to switch things up. That may start with something as simple as wanting to declutter your home or as complex as wanting to change up your social circle or even revisit your value system.
New interests
Awakening at midlife almost always leads people to explore new interests, hobbies, and pastimes. It could mean returning to interests that once brought you joy but that you’ve drifted away from over the years, or it may be more about exploring new ones you never even considered previously.
How Can I Navigate a Midlife Awakening?
Successfully navigating your way through a midlife awakening definitely isn’t an easy process. However, it can be extremely rewarding.
Think of it as similar to creating a beautiful garden from the ground up. You’ll have to start by pulling weeds and clearing space for your plants to grow. You then choose seeds, plant them, and nurture the most promising ones through the growth process.
You’ll be doing something similar with yourself and your life as you progress through your awakening.
Here are some tips for stepping into things with grace and getting as much as possible out of your journey:
1. Embrace discomfort as part of the process
No growth process is simply easy, comfy, and cozy from start to finish. It might have its amazing moments, but it’s also going to be messy, uncomfortable, and probably pretty frustrating at times.
Consider the inner restlessness that led you to this point in the first place. It was likely genuinely uncomfortable on a level that eventually left you no choice but to lean into change. That’s your true inner self knocking at the door and begging you to explore some new avenues.
So, instead of seeing discomfort as a sign things aren’t going the way they’re supposed to, just sit quietly with it instead. Embrace ways to unpack it. Journaling and gardening both played a huge role in helping me sort through my thoughts during my own midlife awakening, and I definitely recommend giving these things a try. Meditating, therapy, walking in nature and other, similar approaches can also be very effective.
2. Move past outdated mindsets
A successful midlife awakening requires that you take a long, hard look at some of the roles you’ve been filling, as well as the beliefs that have been guiding you through your life so far. Carefully examine each one.
Are they still serving you, or have they outlived their purpose (possibly a long time ago)?
Is your sense of self still attached to semi-obsolete concepts like being Supermom even though your kids have all left the nest?
Do you still see yourself as a worker bee even though you’re winding your career down and getting ready to retire?
It might be time to trade those mindsets for new, empowering beliefs that will help you step into the next phase of your life. For example, consider how it might feel to stop saying, “I have to handle everything,” and start saying, “I choose what matters most to me,” instead.
3. Invest in self-care
While bubble baths and evening glasses of wine are certainly enjoyable, they’re not what self-care is really all about at its core. True self-care is about giving your body, mind, and spirit what they need to stay nourished and balanced.
Here are some ideas to explore:
- Nourish your body by ensuring you’re getting enough sleep and downtime, as well as by upgrading your approach to diet and exercise.
- Care for your mind by studying topics that genuinely interest you or signing up for courses that tackle essentials like mindfulness and personal empowerment. Never stop learning new things!
- Support your spirit by exploring new spiritual practices such as spending more time out and about in nature.
4. Cultivate a support network
Yes, a midlife awakening is a personal process. But no, you don’t have to go through it alone.
If you already have a supportive partner, family, or friends to lean on, that’s terrific. But don’t be afraid to also seek out the company of like-minded women who are going through midlife awakenings of their own.
Sign up for a class and dive into learning something new alongside other people. Join a social club. Or consider a no-nonsense program like my Midlife Reimagined Mastermind that leverages radical accountability to get you unstuck.
You can finally say goodbye to the rut you’re stuck in for good!
5. Revisit your childhood self
One thing many people discover when they experience an awakening in midlife is that they actually had so much already figured out when they were children…before life convinced them to feel – and do – differently. Back then, they knew who they were, they understood what they loved, and they lived their truths completely, and without shame.
A midlife awakening often encourages people to get back to that, however they can.
So, sit down and revisit who you were as a child while asking yourself some questions. How did you like to spend your time? What did you dream about? What lit you up inside? What had you always wanted to do but never had the chance to try?
Now is the time to rekindle old interests that still speak to you while also exploring new ones with the potential to add even more color to your life.
6. Set new boundaries
Even when you’re fully ready to dive into change feet first, setting boundaries can be hard, especially if that’s something you’ve struggled with throughout your life.
But boundaries are absolutely essential, especially if you’re serious about falling in love with and fully embracing all that is possible in this next phase of your life.
Saying “no” to what you don’t want in life is really an opportunity to say “yes” to something more satisfying.
So, don’t be afraid to reconsider commitments, relationships, and connections that you know in your heart aren’t serving you anymore. Now is the time to let them go so you can embrace something that truly feels like it’s meant for you.
What Are the Outcomes of a Midlife Awakening?
The further you progress through your personal midlife awakening, the more astonishing the changes you’ll notice in not only yourself, but also in the world around you.
Some of the benefits you can look forward to include:
- Authenticity: At the other end of a midlife awakening, you’ll feel completely free to be your true self again (or maybe for the first time).
- Clarity: You’ll know yourself better and have a deeper understanding of your true purpose as you move forward.
- Fulfillment: Picture a life that truly aligns with your values and passions. Imagine the joy you’ll feel when you finally get to experience this life.
Making your way through any life awakening also strengthens your personal sense of resilience and strength. You’ll be more adaptable and better prepared for future transitions moving forward, and that’s a really empowering feeling.
Midlife awakenings aren’t always easy, comfortable, or graceful. It’s normal to have moments where you feel like some massive cosmic joke is on you, but it’s all part of the process. Don’t be afraid to laugh and go with the flow.
Remember, successful midlife awakenings aren’t about getting things perfect. They’re about being thoughtful, taking risks and embracing imperfection. Take that first step today. I promise you’ll be glad you did!
I'm Dr. Angela Caveney. I'm a Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, Founder of The Trybe Women's Social Club and leader of the Midlife Reimagined Mastermind.
If you are interested in learning more about the Mastermind or in creating a community of your own, reach out to me at angela@the-trybe.com to start the conversation.