Whether the prospect of change makes you cower under your duvet (wait, have you got a takeout menu under there?) or spring out of your chair like a woman possessed, you can’t escape life’s constant call to reinvent.
In this blog, we’re going to look 5 steps to reinventing yourself… at any age!

Table of Contents
What Does it Mean to Reinvent Yourself?
Change is constantly around us, and as midlifers we’ve often spent years tending to everyone else’s changes and expertly guiding them through each adjustment.
Our children are daily witnesses to this endless process of growth. Our other halves may have had several careers and spent their way through 1,000 expensive hobbies. And as women, we’ve experienced our own evolution and transitions, whether planned or imposed.
By midlife, the opportunity to reinvent yourself suddenly becomes compelling.
With wisdom, resources, energy and that adrenaline rush that says “now or never”, you can reinvent yourself all over again (and, very likely, keep reinventing yourself as you continue to grow).
Self Reinvention Can Feel Frightening!
This journey can feel daunting, and the first step is always the hardest.
So if you’re wondering how to reinvent yourself, sit back for a minute, take a deep breath, and let’s find some clarity. (And if you already know that you want to fast-track moving forward, check out my Midlife Reinvention Mastermind for a proven, and guided, route to success.)
Do I Need to Reinvent Myself?
Nope, you’re not broken and you don’t need fixing. Let’s start by being clear; there is absolutely no mandate for you to reinvent yourself.
This alone is a powerful concept because the world’s marketing and advertising industries exist to tell you that you’re not quite good enough as you are.
In fact, the global economy rests pretty heavily on the idea that we need to look “better” (aka younger and thinner), should perform at higher levels, live in a bigger house, drive a better car, and generally be MORE to everyone, on every level.
So if you’re a midlife woman and you’re sick of being told you aren’t good enough as you are, you’re completely within your rights to raise two fingers to this BS and sit back with a generous measure of your favorite cocktail. Cheers to that!
The Authentic Call to Midlife Reinvention
However, there’s a very different kind of call to reinvention that tends to occur in midlife, and it’s a profound one. Often, this urge to reinvent yourself comes truly from within, as a deep desire to be authentic and rediscover a purposeful, values-led life packed with fun, meaning and new adventures.
This type of personal reinvention is profoundly rich. It has nothing to do with injecting your face or losing 10 pounds. Rather, it has EVERYTHING to do with personal growth and midlife change.
The art of reinvention allows you to decide who you are, often after years of catering to everyone else around you.
At its heart, personal reinvention recognizes that our lives never stop changing, and allows us to take control of our direction. It can shake your life up in the most joyful and positive way, if you’re brave enough to answer the call!
How Do I Start To Reinvent Myself?
Firstly, if change is calling, lean into the idea that self-reinvention is all about YOU. Often, it’s about rediscovering who you are, after years of putting yourself last. The art of reinvention lies in taking steps that guide you back to yourself in a very fundamental way.
This isn’t about deciding that you must adhere to some external vision of “perfection” in midlife. We’re past the people-pleasing stage now.
This might be about following a passion you put on the back-burner while you raised your family. It might be about giving that dance class a go, even if the thought of it terrifies and delights you in equal measure.
It might be about going on a date after a period of claiming you don’t need anyone. It might be about signing up for a business course to begin that new e-commerce business you keep thinking about.
It might simply begin by throwing out all of those gray, sorry clothes you wore apologetically to please someone else for years, and creating a bright, quirky and joyous wardrobe that says everything about what makes your heart sing!
You can start small and grow with each win. Remember, you’re on your own schedule now and progress is never linear.
What Challenges Might I Face?
Oh so many! I mean, come on! Let’s be honest, life is a series of challenges and that’s just part of the fun.
You’ll have external challenges, without a doubt, which could range from a busy career to grouchy partners who are suspicious of your desire to reinvent yourself. (Are you learning French to meet an exotic lover? Are you taking up martial arts to hint that your husband is lazy? Expect your nearest and dearest to be a little “triggered” by your self-reinvention – at least, at first!)
You may also encounter your own internal challenges! “You’re too old” whines that critical voice in your head, sounding suspiciously like your mother or the in-law.
You might berate yourself for being daft, or even pitiful for wanting to be different, or more, or to achieve those personal dreams that are still sitting on ice. But silence those self limiting beliefs. That fearful little voice is not real, and you have an even bigger, truer voice just waiting to be heard!
How Long Does Self Reinvention Take?
48 hours if you drink this patented potion.
I’m kidding! Who cares? Honestly.
Whether you’re reinventing yourself after 50 or reinventing yourself after 60, the process looks the same. You’re ready for another phase. There’s always room and space for another.
If you can think, move and act, you can create energy and change. Stop worrying about this imaginary clock and enjoy the process. You might even hit the magical flow state where time ceases to have meaning at all!
Am I Too Old for Reinvention?
Yes absolutely, get back in your rocker and knit.
Again, of course not. Why would you be too old for change? What are you planning to do otherwise?
The older we get, the more versions of ourselves we have already lived through. The world is constantly evolving around us. There is literally no option to stay static and remain relevant, interested, engaged and passionate about our lives.
Age brings wisdom. (If you’re currently in a midlife crisis and staring at your new neon pink pixie cut in the mirror, don’t worry, the wisdom’s just temporarily blurred.)
A good life will involve many small reinventions.
As a bonus, self reinvention helps you to stay young, vibrant and truly connected in your life. Why? Because our brains crave stimulation and new experiences. This aids neuroplasticity; literally the brain’s act of rewiring itself in response to new learning.
You are NEVER too old to change and grow!
What are The Key Steps to Reinventing Myself?
Now we’re talking! Firstly, everyone’s journey toward meaningful self reinvention will look different. But here are 5 key steps that apply to everyone:
1. Look inward
Reinventing yourself authentically will invariably need to begin with a period of introspection and reflection. We’re not looking for quick fixes or showy demonstrations here; we’re looking to recreate from within.
So sit on that porch with your morning coffee and listen to the birds, or go for that long run to clear your mind. A little journaling, a little talking to an old friend; whatever method works for you, begin to evaluate where you’re at versus where you want to be.
2. Define your core values
In an age when your toilet bowl disinfectant boldly espouses its brand values, isn’t it time that you; a complex human, knew yours?
What makes you tick? What moves you?
What’s a non-negotiable for you?
Your core values drive your personal decisions and will act as a roadmap for your planning.
When you live an authentic life that aligns with your values, you have a recipe for meaning, purpose and happiness.
3. Set some self reinvention goals
Armed with self-knowledge and values, you start to feel the fire of purpose. Goal planning will help you to break down the actions and stages you need to take to reach your end goal. You might dream of volunteering, of traveling with purpose or of starting a new business. Know your “why” and this will help you set your personal direction and make life exciting again!
4. Get help with reinventing yourself
Should you do this alone? Nope. Reinventing yourself is so much more enjoyable with a team.
If you have a partner, get them on board and reconnect. Remember that your desire to change can be a little unsettling for them (especially if they feel nervous about being left behind). So create some fun and energy with a date night, a microadventure (so much fun and so doable), or a perhaps even a trip to that city you always wanted to see.
Get your old friends together. They’re probably teetering on the brink of their own self-reinvention project, so you have the perfect opportunity for that “educational” wine-tasting weekend away together. Get real with each other! Throw those challenges down and see what you can start!
Short of old friends or living your single life? You are most certainly not alone. By midlife, many of us are at the perfect point to make new friends.
There are so many people out there looking to connect and find fun, adventure, interests and conversation with new people! You never know where these connections will take you either, so take some steps to make new friends and grow your circle. (Social clubs are your BEST resource!)
5. Fast track with a Reinvention Coach
If you’re serious about reinventing yourself successfully, a good reinvention coach can be a superb asset to your journey. Yes, you’ve got your friends and partner, but they love you just as you are.
A reinvention coach (preferably with a clinical psychology background, not an internet qualification in crystals) will have the skills, expertise and “tough love” approach you need to achieve results.
A winning athlete would never try to meet their goals without a professional coach. And you deserve the same investment in yourself. If this resonates, why not check out my Midlife Reinvention Mastermind, designed for action-oriented people just like you?
I'm Dr. Angela Caveney. I'm a Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, Founder of The Trybe Women's Social Club and leader of the Midlife Reimagined Mastermind.
If you are interested in learning more about the Mastermind or in creating a community of your own, reach out to me at angela@the-trybe.com to start the conversation.