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Mary Ozkan

Ladies Only | Monthly Meetings |Free with Trybe Membership

Join us on a culinary journey like no other with our club, "Cook the Book"! If you have a passion for food, a love of cooking, or simply enjoy the pleasures of a shared meal, this is the club for you. Our mission is simple yet delightful: we'll come together to cook from a single cookbook, exploring its recipes page by page. As the great chef Julia Child once said, “People who love to eat are always the best people”, and I couldn't agree more. It's not just about the delicious dishes we'll create; it's about the experience, the learning, and the friendships that will simmer alongside our stovetops.

Cook the Book Club

Ready to Join?

Come hang out with us! We'd love to get to know you!

Get To Know Trybe Clubs

What Are Trybe Clubs

The Trybe Women’s Social Club has three primary missions: facilitate growth, connections, and impact. With Trybe Clubs, you can do all three! Trybe Clubs are dedicated groups of women that share a common bond. Whether it’s a passion for bird watching, female entrepreneurship, a support group for life’s changes, or you just want to try something new, there’s a club for you. 


Clubs Are Available to Paid Members

You can join The Trybe Women’s Social Club today by clicking this link. The Inner Circle & Friends are groups of the Trybe Women’s Social Club’s most dedicated members. These ladies are enthusiastic about making the most of every day, making connections, and really getting in touch with who they are. Inner Circle members also enjoy exclusive perks, including free events, text notifications, ticket discounts, and more!

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